Tactical Casualty Care Self-Aid/Buddy Aid LE Edition

Tuesday, Nov 19, 2024

8:00am – 4:00pm

This course follows the most recently updated guidelines put forth by the Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) and the Committee for Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (Co-TECC). TCCC is the standard of care for life saving medical care in the tactical environment. TCCC is the golden standard of care utilized by all US Military Special Forces Medics and medically trained soldiers.

The focus of this class is to give each student the ability to recognize, evaluate and control life threatening injuries thus greatly increasing the patient’s chance of survival.

This is a registered course with MCOLES (Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards) and is eligible for P.A. 302 funding.

The course will cover the following:
-Define TCC Self-Aid/Buddy-Aid.
-Cover materials that make up the “Individual First Aid Kit” IFAK.
-Define the 3 phases of TCC – Direct Threat Care, Indirect Threat Care, and CASEVAC.
-Perform a rapid/basic patient assessment and perform medical interventions during Self-Aid/Buddy-Aid.
-Demonstrate skills proficiencies on the application of tourniquets, hemostatic agents, and pressure bandages. Apply occlusive dressings to penetrating chest wounds, and properly control a patient’s airway.
-Demonstrate Casualty Extraction Techniques utilizing a variety of manual carries.

Officer IFAK’s (Individual First Aid Kit)
The Officer IFAK that will be issued to each student contains the necessary equipment to provide these life-saving skills on themselves or someone else. This includes the CAT-Combat Action Tourniquet, ETD or ITD pressure bandage, Combat Gauze and an Occlusive Chest Seal (a $100.00 value)!! Each attendee will be trained on how to effectively use each item in their IFAK. These IFAK’s are designed to be easily added to an Officer’s gear or fit in a patrol vehicle.

Event Category

Law Enforcement

Event Location

Tanger Center
40260 Five Mile
Northville Twp, MI, 48170

Event Fees

$ 400.00

Total Seats


Remaining Seats